Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 1

Tip for Week 1
In order to survive Insanity, you need to land softly during every move.  Otherwise your knees, ankles, feet - everything is going to be sore and your joints will sustain damage over time with improper form.  To land softly, you need to have "soft knees".  This means having just a slight bend to your knees as you land.  This is demonstrated in the Dig Deeper section of the first DVD.  Practice that technique - you'll be using it a lot in the weeks to come!

If you do not think you are ready for Insanity, or if after the first few workouts, you find you really can't get through them, I would recommend starting with the Core Cardio and Balance video.  This workout is intended to be introduced during Recovery Week.  However, I have found that the slightly slower pace of the video, while still incredibly challenging, is a little gentler to break you in to the craziness of Insanity.  So if you find that you can't get through the warm-ups, try a week of Core Cardio and Balance to see if that helps to get you in a more physically fit condition to take on the rest of Insanity.

Day 2
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
41 minutes, 472 calories

Although the Fit Test is included in the Week 1 schedule, the first real Insanity workout starts on Day 2.  Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  Today, I started out my day not with Insanity, but with a Step aerobics class at the gym.  Kept my heart rate high and burned a little over 500 calories in the hour.  Followed up with some shoulders, back, and bicep strength training.  My energy was high all day, but soon after starting our evening workout of Insanity, I was definitely regretting the added strength training.  I was able to push through most of the workout, but my arms and shoulders were a little too tired to hold the plank position during Ski Abs and In/Out Abs.  I wasn't able to complete all the reps.  Felt my arms giving out before my legs and abs had a chance to.  Today definitely served as a reminder that even though I've done Insanity once, and lived through the harder max workouts of month 2, every one of these are tough!

My husband had what I would call a typical first day experience.  For most people on the first day, you're ready to stop halfway through the warm-up, and can't believe it when it keeps going for another 40 minutes.  He did a great job pushing through, while making sure to stop or modify to avoid injury on tired muscles.  My favorite moment was doing Suicide Drills side by side.  Something about running in sync across the living room was just too cool.

Day 3
Cardio Power and Resistance

40 minutes, 430 calories

This was definitely the day I felt like I was overdoing it.  Or rather, I really overdid it yesterday, and still had to get through today.  Worked out late last night, then woke up at 7:30 to do Cardio Power and Resistance before heading to the gym for a Plyometrics class.  Insanity was hard to get through today.  I was tired and a little sore from yesterday, but pushed through and did everything with very few breaks.  The Plyometrics class at my gym felt really great.  Stretching all those muscles I've been using, and I didn't find the core work difficult at all after doing Insanity for the last 2 months.

For my husband, however, today felt like another nail in the coffin.  He was really struggling with muscle soreness from the day before, which made it harder to push through today.  He's still very much committed, it's just taking a lot more out of him than I think he was prepared for.

Day 4
Cardio Recovery
33 minutes, 198 calories

I am so thankful that today was a recovery day.  We were both up way too late last night, had two days in a row where we really pushed ourselves to the max, and we both needed a break.  Last time around, I was disappointed by recovery day because I wanted more.  But I've really come to appreciate what a day of good stretching can do.

Today was also a day that I really appreciated the accountability I have while working out with my husband.  Had this not been a recovery day, I'm not sure I could have pushed myself to do the workout if we weren't doing it together.  Having a workout buddy is SO important - even if it's someone online and not in your own living room.  You really need someone to encourage you to keep going, even on the days you would rather sleep, rest, or just plain do anything but work out!  If you have purchased a program through Team Beachbody, you are assigned a coach to help you through.  Contact them for help and accountability to get you through!  I have also become an Independent Coach with Team Beachbody, so if you want me to be your coach, let me know - all it takes is an email to make the switch.

The Cardio Recovery video is definitely the slowest of all the Insanity workouts.  Started with lots of stretching, and included exercises such as leg lifts, prolonged hip flexor stretches, plie squats, and a set of squats and lunges which included holding those positions for an extended period then adding pulses. One of those videos where you feel sore while doing it, but end up feeling refreshed.

Day 5
Pure Cardio
39 minutes, 405 calories

Pure Cardio begins with Shaun T admitting that he himself is nervous about doing this workout. This does not help our own anxiety about what's to come.  He calls it his endurance workout, because you do one exercise after another without any rest period or water breaks.  You kind of have to gauge and take your own breaks as necessary, as even some members in the video do.  I used to dread Pure Cardio, but now I appreciate that at least none of the moves are repeated (unlike his other interval workouts).  I find it a little easier to give my all knowing that this is the only chance I get (and I don't have to do it 2 more times :)

Even after doing a spin class this morning, I was still able to push through Pure Cardio today.  Although tired, we both pushed through with minimal breaks.  I felt slightly nauseous after the workout was over, but that went away as soon as I drank my Recovery Formula.  It's like magic.

Another thing that made this workout better was NEW SHOES!!!  I've been searching for over a month, since most stores don't carry cross trainers.  Tried a few different brands, but liked Asics the best.  I found several different styles that offered great cushioning, a necessity with all the high impact movements in Insanity.  Trying out the Asics Neo33 right now, and so far they feel amazing.  Hoping the shoe search is finally over!  My husband is also trying out new shoes.  Tried Nikes, Adidas, New Balance, and also liked the Asics best.  Said today was the first workout where his feet didn't hurt. 

Day 6

Okay, I know Day 7 is supposed to be the first "off" day, but we decided we would rather have Saturday as our off day every week.  So, taking the day off today, but completing the week tomorrow.

Day 7
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
41 minutes, 423 calories

We finished Week 1!  And we're both still alive!  Sore, tired, but alive.

We got a late start today, and I was just starting to feel hungry before beginning the workout, so I mixed up some Recovery Formula to drink a little before I started for some quick calories to get me through.  Saved the rest for the end of the workout, but it did serve to quench my immediate hunger and give me enough energy to get through the workout.  I pushed myself pretty hard on this one, really trying to do everything I could without any breaks.  Didn't quite reach that goal, but it's amazing how much further I can get when I talk out loud.  Maybe Insanity is getting to me and making me, well, a little crazy.  Talking to myself?  I justified it by thinking I was also kind of encouraging my husband to push through, but it was really for me.  10 more seconds left?  I called out "10 more seconds!  I can do it!"  Starting an entire minute of In and Out Abs and don't feel like I have enough energy for even one?  I called out each movement: "In! Out! In! Out!", and let me tell you, I did the entire set.  It was like having a personal trainer in the room with me (even if that personal trainer was myself).  Uh Oh.  Now I'm talking multiple personalities - yep, I'm definitely crazy.  But next time you feel ready to collapse, give it a try.  Talk to yourself.  Count down out loud.  Tell yourself, "You can do this!"  You might just surprise yourself.

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