Monday, August 27, 2012

Month 2: Week 5

Week 5
Tips for Month 2
Throughout Month 2, the workouts increase in duration and intensity.  For many, it feels like starting all over again with that feeling like this is impossible!  But this is to force your body to readjust and continue to work harder.   With these harder workouts, your body will be working harder and burning more calories.  You need more fuel, so remember to up your calorie intake accordingly to get you through.  You will also need more rest to allow your body to recover.  Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night.  Sleep is where your body recovers and your muscles grow, so if you want to be ready to push hard the next day, you need to get at least 7-8 hours every single night. 

Day 36
Max Interval Circuit
55 minutes
W:  634 calories
M:  708 calories

This is it.  Month 2.  This workout wasn't necessarily harder than Cardio Circuit, and included many moves already done in month 1, with a slight variation or in a different combination.  What really gets you is that these workouts are longer.  In Max Interval Circuit, there's an entire extra circuit (that means 3 intervals with 4 exercises each - so 12 additional exercises, each about a minute long).  Yep, this is definitely the part of Insanity where it all comes together, and the results come fast.  As long as you can make it through!

I think I did pretty well today.  Took a few extra breaks than I'm used to, and drank close to 50 oz of water just during the workout alone.  My legs are definitely tired now, and there were a couple times during the last interval where I just collapsed on the floor, then took a breath and got back into it.  My husband made it through as well, but with more breaks.  He had to modify a LOT today due to a shoulder injury at work, and it seemed like every other move included punches, jabs, or raising your arms over your head.  I think he did at least 3/4 of the video with these modifications, but he also collapsed on the floor several times.  It's just a really, really intense workout.  Hope we can keep up the pace even while doing the workout in the evening after work.  My first time through, I worked out in the mornings, so I could really give it my all.  Having to summon up this level of energy after a long day of work may start to wear us down, but so far we're up for the challenge!

Day 37 
Max Interval Plyo
55 minutes
W:  557 calories
M:  622 calories

Remember yesterday when I said that workout wasn't necessarily harder than month 1, just longer?  Forget that.  This was harder.  Holy crumbs this was harder.  I can't believe how many different kinds of push-ups were in this workout alone.  Squat Push-ups, Power Push-ups, Level 3 Drills with 16 push-ups each, Side Push-ups, One-Legged V-Push-ups, Balance Push-ups.  Am I forgetting any?  Sheesh!  My arms are still shaking a bit.  I actually had to stop after the 2nd interval and grab my Results and Recovery drink.  I haven't used it in a couple weeks, but I was feeling nauseous from the intensity of this workout, and just needed a little something to get me through.  A little R&R did the trick, and I was back in business.

These workouts definitely kick it up a notch, and I think my husband is having serious doubts about his ability to keep going.  His work days are about to get longer next week, and I just don't think he is motivated to do this particular workout no matter what.  I certainly don't want to lose my workout partner, but in the end he's got to do what's best for his body.  Wish just 3 1/2 weeks to go, I hope he'll stick it through as long as possible, but either way we've both made commitments to stay active.  We are brainstorming ways for him to get in a good workout every day, even if he's not up for Insanity at 9pm.

Day 38 
Max Cardio Conditioning
48 minutes
W:  484 calories

Max Cardio Conditioning is the month 2 version of Pure Cardio.  Except longer.  And a little more intense.  Some of the moves were extra difficult because my whole upper body is still sore from yesterday.  But, made it through.  Almost threw up right at the end, but made it through.  Sorry.  TMI.  My husband did not join me in Max Cardio Conditioning tonight.  He had a very physically exhausting day at work and already got his workout in, even if it wasn't Insanity.  I have decided to press on with the schedule, although it felt a little strange to be doing it alone after 5 weeks of having a partner.

Day 39 
Max Recovery
47 minutes
W:  278 calories
M:  calories unknown, forgot to wear HRM

So glad tonight was recovery.  Raging headache all day, husband has what appears to be the equivalent of carpal tunnel in his shoulder and forearm, and to top it all off I have a throbbing infection on my big toe apparently caused by some stray sock fuzz and a hangnail.  Kind of made all the plank work and other balance-related exercises a lot more painful than they should have been.  I couldn't believe my husband made it through all the hip flexor work.  I couldn't even make it the whole time without breaking form to stretch out, so he's come a long way from Day 1.  Once again, the Recovery video is not a walk in the park.  My biceps were begging for mercy during the High Plank/Low Plank exercise.  My only consolation is that others on the video were clearly in pain as well.  Yep, in this case it's totally acceptable to revel in other people's pain. 

Day 40 
Max Interval Circuit
55 minutes
W:  660 calories

For any of you who have been following my blog regularly, you may have noticed I haven't updated in a week.  Turns out that throbbing toe I posted about earlier was an infected ingrown nail that required minor surgery to remove the infected skin.  It was painful just to walk (heck, it was painful even lying down) for several days.  But then, I'm ashamed to say, I lost my motivation, and passed up two days where I could have worked out but just plain didn't want to.  On that note, I highly recommend NOT stopping your schedule of Insanity if at all possible.  Each day you spend away makes it that much harder to get back into it.  And today was a perfect example of that.  I had a very hard time getting through the workout.  I took a lot of breaks - I think more than I ever have before.  And I could feel that my heart just wasn't in it the way it was last week.  I'm determined to turn these negative emotions around and really dig deeper my last 3 weeks.  Words of encouragement would be appreciated!

Day 41 
Max Interval Plyo
55 minutes
W:  568 calories

Wahoo!  First week of max workouts completed!  And it only took me 2 weeks to do it!  Wait...not so proud about that.  Disregard the exclamation point.

I was very sore from yesterday's workout.  In fact, strangely sore.  I wasn't even this sore after my first max workouts.  So, again I repeat: Don't skip your workouts!  Taking a week off really set me back.  Of course, in the case of an injury it's better to err on the side of caution, but in my case I really could have gotten away with only 5 days off instead of 7 and been much better off for it.  I did much better today than yesterday.  The soreness wasn't a problem once I got through the warm-ups, but I'll definitely be taking my Results and Recovery formula today (in fact, excuse me a moment...ahh, sipping it right now).  Hoping that will help alleviate some of the muscle soreness as well.

It feels weird to work out without my husband after doing them side by side for 5 1/2 weeks.  He doesn't want to quit entirely, but after noticing what just one week off did to me (and I've already been through the program and am in better shape than he is), I doubt he'll be able to jump back in for a workout or two even if he suddenly has the time.  So, I've decided to keep going for the next 3 weeks at my own pace.  I hope this isn't too discouraging for anyone following along.  Rest assured I'm committed to seeing it through till the end.  I've come to far to give up now, when really the best results are yet to come.

Day 42 


  1. You described it amazingly.... it motivates me to get through 60 days. I am on day 3 month 2 and my body have never been this sore in month 1. I don't know where I am heading too but one thing I know for sure M gonna kill these 60 days :). I am taking many break I would say I only do 65-75% of the workout in month 2 where as I was able to do almost 90% of the workout without breaks in Month 1. Is it normal?

    1. I'm glad my blog is helping you along! Remember that you have just begun. This is a longer workout, and some of the moves are more challenging on top of that. It is not easy! Watch those in the video - they are struggling too! Just as you couldn't nail every workout your first week of month 1, it's going to take some time for your body to adapt to month 2. If you were nailing 90% of the month 1 workouts, it's time to move forward. Just keep at it, and listen to your body. Try to get one more rep than you think you can before you go for water.
