Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week 8

Week 8 Tips

Final Week!  You should be so proud to have made it this far. Now it's time to really make it count and enjoy every workout on this last week of Insanity. It's also time to think about what you're going to do next.  While these last 2 months have been, well, INSANE, you don't want to go from working out 6 days a week with Shaun T to sitting on the couch watching TV, thinking, "Wow!  That was hard work!  I'm glad that's over!"  So whether you choose to do another round of Insanity or move on to another program, just make sure you keep your schedule and make exercise a part of your life. 

Day 57 
Max Interval Plyo
55 minutes
W:  527 calories

I really felt like I nailed this workout today.  It was one of the first in a while that I felt like I did everything without having to take a quick break because I was too short of breath. In fact, my heart rate didn't climb as high as it has on recent workouts, yet I was pushing just as hard.  Tells me I'm doing something right, and my body is adapting and prepared for everything Shaun T has to throw at me.

I was really feeling down the last couple weeks for various reasons, and I feel like I really wasn't as motivated.  In fact, if it weren't for this blog, I may have even been tempted to quit altogether and just move on to something else.  But I'm SO glad I stuck it out.  Here I am, my final week, and ready to finish strong! 

Day 58 
Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs
80 minutes
736 calories

We had a friend visiting, but I wasn't about to let that prevent me from doing my workout!  I must admit I was really feeling the length of the workout today.  Including a bit of a water break between the two workouts, it's an hour and a half of hard work!  Did my best to give it my all, even with onlookers :)

Day 59 
Max Interval Circuit
60 minutes
636 calories

Really felt like I nailed my workout today.  Still didn't do every last second, but did the best I could with every exercise.  It was probably one of my best Interval Circuits yet.

Day 60 
Core Cardio & Balance
37 minutes
351 calories

I haven't done this video since Recovery Week.  I've been doing the Deluxe version, which is Max Sports Training.  But I had spent the morning out with my kids, then came home and spent 4 hours painting my house, then scrubbed my front porch (on my hands and knees a la Cinderella).  I was truly very tired.  By the time I had an opportunity to do Insanity, it was 10:30pm, and my back and shoulders were aching from the day of work.  I honestly didn't want to spend an hour doing Sports Training, so I popped in Core Cardio & Balance instead.  It was exactly what I wanted.  I didn't have to restrict myself to taking it slow like I did during Recovery Week, so I tried to put my all into each exercise and speed it up a little faster than Shaun T.  The calorie count may be a bit lower than if I had done Sports Training, but I have no regrets.

Day 61 
Max Interval Plyo
48 minutes
444 calories

Discerning ones will notice that my workout length wasn't the same as the length of the video.  My workout was cut short today, interrupted in the middle of the second interval by the news that a family pet would not make it through the day.  We rushed over to say our tearful goodbyes.  Afterwards, I tried to finish the workout, but I just couldn't get back into it.  I did a couple exercises, then stretched and called it a day.  I'm a little disappointed that my second-to-last Insanity workout was not really all it should be, but in the end it's just a workout.  I'm not discontinuing my fitness journey after Insanity is over, so there's no sense in forcing something when circumstances do not merit it.

Day 62
Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs
80 minutes
771 calories

Last official workout!  Well, on the Insanity program, that is.  Gave it my all and proudly earned every calorie I burned.  I don't know if I'll ever get to the point where I can do a full Max workout, every second of every exercise without a break.  But it's fun to see yourself improve over the days, weeks, and in my case, months of Insanity.  After 120 days of Shaun T busting my butt, I must say I'm glad to move on to a different program.  It's been fun, but now I'm ready for someone else to bust my butt for a while!  Decided to try Les Mills Pump next, and I can't wait to start!

Day 63 
Fit Test

Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 7

Tip for Week 7
This is the home stretch - last 2 weeks.  You know the Max workouts now, so keep pushing.  Make every minute count.  You get into this what you put into it.  Your intensity could be the difference between meeting your goals and falling short.  Focus on your goals, and do what you need to do to reach them.  If you need to push harder on workouts, or if nutritionally you're not where you need to be, make the necessary adjustments.
You also may need to reevaluate your calorie level. Make sure you weigh-in this week, and recalculate your caloric needs based on your current weight and activity level.  It's possible you may need fewer calories than when you began, or if you have gained muscle, you may require more.

Day 50
Max Interval Circuit
60 minutes
W:  627 calories

I am tired.  I am really, really tired.  Remember two weeks ago when I said how important it is to get enough sleep, especially during these Max workouts?  Let me tell you, 5 hours is NOT enough sleep.  I had two "cups" of coffee (I use that term loosely, because really my mug fits 2 cups (16oz) at a time, and I had two of those).  Still not feeling up to the workout.  I took a 15-minute power nap, hoping that would help.  Still not feeling up to the workout.  But at 5pm I was looking at a "now or never" type of situation, so I pushed play.  Still not feeling up to the workout.  I felt like I was breathing heavier and just all out more tired than usual.  Perhaps feeling a little under the weather didn't help the situation, but one thing is certain:  I'm going to make a real concerted effort to get enough sleep from here on out.  I'm glad I pushed myself to do it, but I didn't have much fun, and if you're not enjoying your workout, what's the point?

Fit Test
Switch Kicks - 139           (Test 1- 149; 2- 143)
Power Jacks - 56              (Test 1- 52; 2- 53)
Power Knees - 97             (Test 1- 98; 2- 98)
Power Jumps - 52             (Test 1- 42; 2- 42)
Globe Jumps - 11              (Test1- 11; 2- 9 1/2)
Suicide Jumps - 20            (Test 1- 20; 2- 21)
Push-Up Jacks - 25           (Test1- 26; 2- 29)
Low Plank Oblique - 62    (Test 1- 74; 2- 85)

I was a little disappointed in my Fit Test this week.  For about half of the exercises I stayed the same, which is fine, but on 3 exercises I dropped, in some cases rather significantly.  I did 4 less push-ups jacks, and not so much because I ran out of time, but because I just couldn't do any more.  My low plank oblique number was lower than it's been in months.  Granted, I made a concerted effort to keep my hips down and really keep my form correct the entire time, so it's possible that on previous Fit Tests I let myself sacrifice form for the sake of increased reps.  On a positive note, I did 10 more Power Jumps!  This is by far the biggest increase I've had on any exercise in a while.  So, Yay!

Day 51  
Max Interval Plyo
55 minutes
W:  547 calories

These workouts take so much out of me, it's becoming harder for me to push play.  Ideally I prefer to fit my workout in before dinner, but it's not always possible to wrap up work and get dinner going in time to do that.  With a workout that's an hour long, being even 15 minutes behind schedule means I have to push my workout back until later in the evening, when I'm even less motivated to work out.  BUT, I'm pushing through, and trying to stay motivated through these next 2 weeks.  Keeping my own words in mind that I'm only going to get out of this what I put in, and phoning it in the last 2 weeks will not help me reach my goals.

Day 52 
Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs
81 minutes
760 calories

Max Cardio Conditioning is my favorite of the Max workouts.  I look forward to it every time it comes on the schedule, so pushing play today was not an issue at all.  That being said, I found it extremely endearing that my little 4-year-old was so excited to work out with me again that she kept asking all morning, "When are you going to do your workout?"  She got her water bottle all ready, and even found a headband so she could match Mommy, and patiently waited for me to get my chores done.  She finally declared, "It's time for your workout!", and who was I to argue with her?  Took a small break in between Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs to get some baking started, then started up again.  I must say, it's much harder to do Insane Abs after a break.  When you do them right after the other, your body just kind of views it as a longer workout.  But with the break, even though it was less than 30 minutes, once I started up again I realized that my muscles felt sore and tired.  I prefer to trick my body into doing it all at once and feeling sore later :)

Day 53 
Max Recovery
47 minutes
298 calories

Felt up for more than just Recovery today, but I know that my body needs it.  I think my daughter was disappointed with the slower pace of the video - she likes the jumping and running better.  She lost interest halfway through.  I'm beginning to wonder what I'm going to do next after Insanity.  I was planning to do something weight-related, but starting to think she might really miss our workouts together.  May end up doing a hybrid of two programs and keep the cardio from Insanity.  I have just a little over a week to decide!

Day 54 
Max Interval Circuit
55 minutes
W:  645 calories

Although this is probably my least favorite Insanity video, I tried to focus on giving it my all.  In the back of my mind was the thought that this video is only on the schedule one more time, so give it your all because you only have one more shot! Done!  Just one more time to go!

Day 55
Max Interval Sports Training (or Core Cardio & Balance)
55 minutes
W:  490 calories

Did really good today.  Picked up my pace on the Ladder sprints and ended the workout rather proud of how far I've come.  It feels good to go through a workout with such difficult moves, knowing that for the most part, you can handle it, and even excel.

Day 56 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 6

Tips for Week 6
Nutrition Tip
Remember to focus on your nutrition.  Keep track of your calories, and try to eat 5 small meals a day (all around the same calories content) to keep your metabolism steadily burning all day.  Also remember that eating better includes what you drink, so avoid the empty calories in juice, soda, and alcohol. Even diet soda will spike your blood sugar, since your body cannot differentiate between regular and artificial sweeteners.  Alcohol not only affects blood sugar and sleep patterns, but can alter hormone levels, leading to a decrease in fat loss.  Even juice is better replaced with whole fruit for more fiber and vitamins.  Stick to water, and drink LOTS of it!  Have a water bottle and carry it with you all day so you can continuously hydrate yourself.  Added benefit of water is that there are no empty calories, yet it can still make you feel full and curb unnecessary eating between meals.

Day 43
Max Cardio Conditioning
47 minutes
W:  500 calories  (plus floor section of Insane Abs, 202 calories - not on schedule)

Feeling good today, and actually felt motivated and ready to work out even at 9pm.  Maybe it had something to do with the chocolate covered espresso beans I had earlier...

At any rate, felt like I did well on the workout tonight.  Took some breaks but then hopped right back in.  I felt myself giving out cardiovascularly before I felt my muscles giving out.  In other words, I think my muscles could have kept going for more reps, but my heart rate and heavy breathing indicated I needed to rest a bit.  Could be part of the reason I felt motivated to add Insane Abs to tonight's workout, even though I'm not scheduled to do this workout until 4 days later.  Just felt like my I could do more, but didn't necessarily want any more heavy cardio, so I skipped the beginning of the workout (save that for 4 days later!).

I'm trying to also get back on track with my nutrition.  I've been snacking more at night, and even though I usually choose healthy snacks like carrots or worst case scenario some light popcorn, it's becoming a pattern that I need to nip in the bud.  So if I feel a craving to eat at night, instead I'm drinking water or making myself some decaf tea as my treat instead of food.  Really need to refocus to get through the next 3 weeks.

Day 44 
Max Interval Circuit
60 minutes
W:  635 calories

I did NOT want to work out today.  Put it off even though I could have done it earlier in the day.  Before I knew it, it was 10pm and I still hadn't pushed play.  But, I am motivated and determined not to let myself give excuses.  So, I worked out at 10pm, and didn't regret it for a minute.  It felt so much better to work out, than to give in and skip a day just because I didn't feel like it.  Once you start down that road, I've learned the hard way, it's very hard to get back on track.  So push through and get it done!

Day 45 
Max Interval Plyo
60 minutes
W:  513 calories

Day off from school for the kids, so I did my workout in the morning while they were playing.  However, as soon as I started up, my kids came running into the room, "Are you doing your workout?  I want to workout!"  Okay!  My kids then proceeded to do the entire warm-up with me.  Of course, their form was terrible, and it was making me laugh so hard watching them (my daughter's idea of 123-123 was basically sashay to each side and kick, and I'm not even going to try to describe what Hit The Floor looked like!).  First Water Break comes up and my youngest suddenly shouts out, "Ooh!  I need my water!" and runs to grab her water bottle, which she then proceeds to line up on the couch next to mine.  Then she sees me wipe off my sweat with a small towel.  She grabs the towel and wipes herself off too.  Quite possibly the cutest thing ever.

What was even more amazing was that, while one kid quit after the warm-ups, my youngest stuck with me and did THE ENTIRE WORKOUT with me!  That's right, a little girl did 60 minutes of Insanity next to her mama!  And she was really trying!  I could see her watch the move, and try to do it, then look up to see if she was doing it correctly (the answer was almost always no, but she did a surprisingly good job for someone not even 4 years old).  Her S-S Hops may have even been better than mine :)

So many lessons to learn from today.
1) A workout buddy doesn't just bring motivation and accountability, it brings a higher level of happiness to share the experience with a friend.  My workout buddy today also brought laughter and left me beaming with pride, but she's pretty special that way.
2) Never underestimate the effect that your lifestyle has on your family.  I have always tried to make healthy choices, but since April these choices have had a bigger effect on my family and have trickled down into the kinds of food we keep in the house for ALL of us, and how we use our time to include fitness every day.  The effect has been astounding.  For example, my oldest daughter wrote on her homework that when she grew up "she wanted to eat good food and be healthy."  So they listen.  They hear what you say, but they also "hear" what you do.  I talk about the healthy choices I make, how I'll choose fruit over crackers for a snack.  My daughter understands that different kinds of bread or rice are healthier, and once she knows that, she will choose the healthier version. Seriously, what better motivation can there be than to instill in your children a desire to live a healthy life?
3) If a 4-year-old can do it, so can you!

Day 46 
Max Recovery
48 minutes
W:  303 calories

Glad for the recovery video tonight.  It's been a roller coaster of a week, with both my kids coming down with Strep throat and a death in the family.  I'm not feeling too great myself, but hoping I can dodge the strep bullet, despite the fact that I unwittingly shared a popsicle with my daughter the day before she was sick.  At any rate, I'm not about to let the possibility of getting sick stop me from working out. Plus it keeps me focused on positive thoughts, which is a good thing.

Day 47 
Max Cardio Conditioning
48 minutes
W:  495 calories
Insane Abs
W:  268 calories

Usually I do Insane Abs right after my cardio workout, but I'm feeling under the weather today, and so I split it up and did Cardio Conditioning before dinner, then Insane Abs after the kids were in bed.  Sick, I didn't really feel like working out, but I knew that I would feel better emotionally and probably physically too if I just did it.  I was right.  I still feel sick, but I'm sure my body is much better off for doing something active today than just lying around and taking a nap.  (note:  this is not always advisable.  If you're really sick or have a fever, your body needs rest.  If in doubt, check out this article on WebMD on When Not to Exercise).  I also feel happier after my workout, which is a very good thing.  And It's not just the kind of happy you get because you know you did the right thing.  I honestly felt my depression slipping away after pressing play.  All those endorphins are doing me good tonight!

Another thing that made me happy tonight is that I had my favorite workout buddy.  My daughter joined me again in my cardio workout.  She didn't last the whole workout (ran off to play a little more than halfway through), but came back for the end.  I admire her persistence - she was really sweating!  I also love her take on push-ups.  "Are we just pushing the floor?...Ugh!  The floor's not working!"  I would personally love to blame the floor when I can't do any more push-ups.  Ah, to be 3.

Day 48 
Max Interval Sports Training
55 minutes
W:  577 calories

On the schedule is Core Cardio and Balance, or if you have the Deluxe version and want to swap it out for something a little more intense, you can do Max Interval Sports Training.  This is a really fun workout!  Shaun T takes you through exercises you might encounter when training for various sports, like boxing, basketball, football, and track & field.  Many of the moves are not found on any other video, which makes it a fun addition to the weekly schedule.  My kids had a blast doing the Long Jumps with me at the end, each of us trying to see who could get the furthest.  I highly recommend this video in place of Core Cardio if you have it.

Day 49 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Month 2: Week 5

Week 5
Tips for Month 2
Throughout Month 2, the workouts increase in duration and intensity.  For many, it feels like starting all over again with that feeling like this is impossible!  But this is to force your body to readjust and continue to work harder.   With these harder workouts, your body will be working harder and burning more calories.  You need more fuel, so remember to up your calorie intake accordingly to get you through.  You will also need more rest to allow your body to recover.  Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night.  Sleep is where your body recovers and your muscles grow, so if you want to be ready to push hard the next day, you need to get at least 7-8 hours every single night. 

Day 36
Max Interval Circuit
55 minutes
W:  634 calories
M:  708 calories

This is it.  Month 2.  This workout wasn't necessarily harder than Cardio Circuit, and included many moves already done in month 1, with a slight variation or in a different combination.  What really gets you is that these workouts are longer.  In Max Interval Circuit, there's an entire extra circuit (that means 3 intervals with 4 exercises each - so 12 additional exercises, each about a minute long).  Yep, this is definitely the part of Insanity where it all comes together, and the results come fast.  As long as you can make it through!

I think I did pretty well today.  Took a few extra breaks than I'm used to, and drank close to 50 oz of water just during the workout alone.  My legs are definitely tired now, and there were a couple times during the last interval where I just collapsed on the floor, then took a breath and got back into it.  My husband made it through as well, but with more breaks.  He had to modify a LOT today due to a shoulder injury at work, and it seemed like every other move included punches, jabs, or raising your arms over your head.  I think he did at least 3/4 of the video with these modifications, but he also collapsed on the floor several times.  It's just a really, really intense workout.  Hope we can keep up the pace even while doing the workout in the evening after work.  My first time through, I worked out in the mornings, so I could really give it my all.  Having to summon up this level of energy after a long day of work may start to wear us down, but so far we're up for the challenge!

Day 37 
Max Interval Plyo
55 minutes
W:  557 calories
M:  622 calories

Remember yesterday when I said that workout wasn't necessarily harder than month 1, just longer?  Forget that.  This was harder.  Holy crumbs this was harder.  I can't believe how many different kinds of push-ups were in this workout alone.  Squat Push-ups, Power Push-ups, Level 3 Drills with 16 push-ups each, Side Push-ups, One-Legged V-Push-ups, Balance Push-ups.  Am I forgetting any?  Sheesh!  My arms are still shaking a bit.  I actually had to stop after the 2nd interval and grab my Results and Recovery drink.  I haven't used it in a couple weeks, but I was feeling nauseous from the intensity of this workout, and just needed a little something to get me through.  A little R&R did the trick, and I was back in business.

These workouts definitely kick it up a notch, and I think my husband is having serious doubts about his ability to keep going.  His work days are about to get longer next week, and I just don't think he is motivated to do this particular workout no matter what.  I certainly don't want to lose my workout partner, but in the end he's got to do what's best for his body.  Wish just 3 1/2 weeks to go, I hope he'll stick it through as long as possible, but either way we've both made commitments to stay active.  We are brainstorming ways for him to get in a good workout every day, even if he's not up for Insanity at 9pm.

Day 38 
Max Cardio Conditioning
48 minutes
W:  484 calories

Max Cardio Conditioning is the month 2 version of Pure Cardio.  Except longer.  And a little more intense.  Some of the moves were extra difficult because my whole upper body is still sore from yesterday.  But, made it through.  Almost threw up right at the end, but made it through.  Sorry.  TMI.  My husband did not join me in Max Cardio Conditioning tonight.  He had a very physically exhausting day at work and already got his workout in, even if it wasn't Insanity.  I have decided to press on with the schedule, although it felt a little strange to be doing it alone after 5 weeks of having a partner.

Day 39 
Max Recovery
47 minutes
W:  278 calories
M:  calories unknown, forgot to wear HRM

So glad tonight was recovery.  Raging headache all day, husband has what appears to be the equivalent of carpal tunnel in his shoulder and forearm, and to top it all off I have a throbbing infection on my big toe apparently caused by some stray sock fuzz and a hangnail.  Kind of made all the plank work and other balance-related exercises a lot more painful than they should have been.  I couldn't believe my husband made it through all the hip flexor work.  I couldn't even make it the whole time without breaking form to stretch out, so he's come a long way from Day 1.  Once again, the Recovery video is not a walk in the park.  My biceps were begging for mercy during the High Plank/Low Plank exercise.  My only consolation is that others on the video were clearly in pain as well.  Yep, in this case it's totally acceptable to revel in other people's pain. 

Day 40 
Max Interval Circuit
55 minutes
W:  660 calories

For any of you who have been following my blog regularly, you may have noticed I haven't updated in a week.  Turns out that throbbing toe I posted about earlier was an infected ingrown nail that required minor surgery to remove the infected skin.  It was painful just to walk (heck, it was painful even lying down) for several days.  But then, I'm ashamed to say, I lost my motivation, and passed up two days where I could have worked out but just plain didn't want to.  On that note, I highly recommend NOT stopping your schedule of Insanity if at all possible.  Each day you spend away makes it that much harder to get back into it.  And today was a perfect example of that.  I had a very hard time getting through the workout.  I took a lot of breaks - I think more than I ever have before.  And I could feel that my heart just wasn't in it the way it was last week.  I'm determined to turn these negative emotions around and really dig deeper my last 3 weeks.  Words of encouragement would be appreciated!

Day 41 
Max Interval Plyo
55 minutes
W:  568 calories

Wahoo!  First week of max workouts completed!  And it only took me 2 weeks to do it!  Wait...not so proud about that.  Disregard the exclamation point.

I was very sore from yesterday's workout.  In fact, strangely sore.  I wasn't even this sore after my first max workouts.  So, again I repeat: Don't skip your workouts!  Taking a week off really set me back.  Of course, in the case of an injury it's better to err on the side of caution, but in my case I really could have gotten away with only 5 days off instead of 7 and been much better off for it.  I did much better today than yesterday.  The soreness wasn't a problem once I got through the warm-ups, but I'll definitely be taking my Results and Recovery formula today (in fact, excuse me a moment...ahh, sipping it right now).  Hoping that will help alleviate some of the muscle soreness as well.

It feels weird to work out without my husband after doing them side by side for 5 1/2 weeks.  He doesn't want to quit entirely, but after noticing what just one week off did to me (and I've already been through the program and am in better shape than he is), I doubt he'll be able to jump back in for a workout or two even if he suddenly has the time.  So, I've decided to keep going for the next 3 weeks at my own pace.  I hope this isn't too discouraging for anyone following along.  Rest assured I'm committed to seeing it through till the end.  I've come to far to give up now, when really the best results are yet to come.

Day 42 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Recovery Week

Recovery Week

Core Cardio and Balance all week long!  Last time around, I was thinking I would be bored of doing the same video every single day.  But I loved Core Cardio and Balance so much that I didn't tire of it at all.  In fact, I highly recommend this video for anyone who may not be in the best physical condition prior to starting Insanity.  Try this video first to get you going, then see if you're ready to start the program after 1 week.

Looking forward to another great Recovery Week!

Day 29
W:  346 calories
M:  386 calories

First day of Recovery Week, and I really enjoyed the workout.  The workout is based on doing different exercises for 1 minute, with no repeats, wrapping up with some 3-minute isolated "burners" at the end.  There's plenty of cardio included, but there's a decent break between each exercise so it's not as intense as the other workouts.  My husband is sick, and I wasn't sure how much he would do, but I just told him to do what he could and he ended up doing all but one exercise.  Very proud of him.  He said besides Cardio Abs, this was the only video so far that he really liked.  I think he was pleasantly surprised to discover we'd be doing the same video all week.

Day 30
W:  346 calories
M:  409 calories

Channeled my inner core and finished the entire 3-minute segment of Shoulder Burners.  Not sure which burned more - my shoulders, or my glutes and quads from holding the plie squat position.  Pretty proud of getting through without breaking form.

Now it's officially 30-days in.  We took measurements and pictures of our progress to date.  As in my first round of Insanity, not a whole lot of change on paper from the first 30 days.  Chest, arms, abs, legs are all looking a little more toned, so pictures really help in seeing the difference.  Since muscle is replacing some of the fat lost, it's kind of leveling out on the scale.  My husband's measurements for the most part were about 1/4" larger due to muscle gain.  Mine were the same or 1/4" smaller in areas like my waist, thighs, and arms. Not a huge difference, but noticeable to me.

For others out there, measuring is key - the numbers on a scale are just a sliver of the whole story.  You are gaining muscle while burning fat, which can ultimately balance each other out or even result in a slight increase in weight because muscle weighs more than fat.  Also, the scale can fluctuate based on water and time of day and is not the most accurate gauge of your progress.  Our body tends to retain water under stress, including the stress of a new and challenging workout program.  I didn't notice much of a change on the scale after my first 30 days, but was noticing that my clothes were fitting differently.  Even so, the biggest change came during month 2.

Day 31
W:  328 calories
M:  380 calories

Hit the gym this morning for Step and strength training.  Burned well over 600 calories, so I was very glad I brought some Shakeology with me.  Eating breakfast earlier, so by the time I hit my workout it was already 3 hours after breakfast, and I was very hungry by the time I finished.  Shaker cup saved the day!

Still had enough in me to do Insanity this evening with my husband.  He's still sick, but managed to complete the workout, modifying as needed so as not to overdo it when his body is already run down.  Even though I did Step, squats, and shoulders today (among other things), I was able to complete the Shoulder Burners again without stopping to rest.  I have a feeling my shoulders may be yelling at me tomorrow though!

Day 32
W:  338 calories
M:  412 calories

Tried to focus on my core throughout the workout today.  Keeping your core tight during these moves adds a whole new dimension to them.  Sure enough, my abs were hurting the next day!  Sometimes it's hard to focus on your core during every workout, but make an effort this week. You're doing the same workout every day, so you should really have it down by now.  Try to focus on keeping your core tight and make every second count!

Day 33
W:  325 calories
M:  398 calories

Nothing much different to say today.  Focused on the core again and felt the difference.  With one more day of Recovery left, I'm starting to get excited for month 2.  Itching to take it to the next level once more!

Day 34
W:  256 calories (plus first 10 minutes - forgot to press "start" on my heart monitor)
M:  441 calories

Last day of recovery.  I tried to make every moment count and really push a bit harder today.  I can feel that my shoulder muscles are stronger than they were at the beginning of the week.  I'm also ready to take it up a notch as we start the more challenging workouts in month 2.  I don't think my husband shares my enthusiasm.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 4

Week 4 Tip
Stick with it!  One more week until Recovery Week!  You can DO this!!  This isn't the time to slow down, keep pushing all week long!

Nutrition Tip
Timing your preworkout nutrition is important. Unless you're working out first thing in the morning, try eating a very small meal about two hours before exercising. Exercising immediately after eating will lead to a lack of energy for your workout as your body is focused on digestion.  This will become increasingly important for me this week as we're moving our workouts to the evening, after dinner, to accommodate our work schedule.

Day 22
Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
56 minutes
W: 520 calories
M: 630 calories

Today we managed to squeeze our workout in before dinner (as opposed to late night after the kids are in bed).  Pros and cons to this.  I was still in my afternoon slump, which was kind of hard to pull out of.  I really just wanted to take a nap, and my youngest was sick and just wanted to cuddle me, which was lovely, but it was not motivating me to get up and work out.  Between the time it took my husband and me to decide we were in fact going to work out right now, and the time I got changed and ready to go, he had fallen asleep on the couch.  Another con was that this is usually the time I use to make dinner, so I'm going to have to figure out how to adjust my schedule or my dinner plans accordingly.  Sigh.  I miss morning workouts, but to accomplish that during the school year means getting up at 4am to work out. Ummmmmm... No.  Evenings will have to do.

All that said, by the end of the warm-up I was in it and ready to dig deep, as Shaun T likes to say.  Completed both workouts, but I probably should have had my recovery drink afterwards, because I felt tired and sluggish all evening.  It may take a while for me to get the hang of evening workouts, but I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure my husband and I can both maintain our regular exercise and stay committed.  If we make this a habit now, we can stick with it even after Insanity is over.  Whether it's with another Beachbody program, or just taking walks or bike rides as a family before bed.  For us, this isn't just a 60-day program and then it stops.  It's a lifestyle change we're striving to make together.

Day 23
Cardio Power & Resistance
39 minutes
W:  379 calories
M:  454 calories

Got my Insanity "I Earned It!" shirt today!  This is a special gift you get when you complete Insanity and submit your results to Team Beachbody.  This isn't just a shirt.  This shirt represents several pounds of sweat and 60 days of the hardest physical work I've ever done in my life.  I'll wear it proudly because I really did earn it!  Stick with the program and you can earn yours too!

Now about the workout.  This was one of those days I really can't believe I worked out.  My day was crazy and I was on the go literally all day long.  Running errands with kids in tow and then getting ready for a garage sale starting tomorrow, I was pricing and organizing and moving tables and furniture until 11:30pm.  Even though the sale started early the next day, we pushed play and we did our Insanity workout.  You know how usually after you work out, you feel great and are just so glad you decided to do it?  This was possibly the only time in my life I did NOT feel that way after completing the workout.  We both got through it, but both had that realization that maybe, just maybe, we had pushed ourselves too far.  I climbed into bed and felt like my body was just shutting down.  I felt fine the next day, so no regrets on my end, but I think my husband may have felt differently in the morning.

unscheduled Insane Abs, 255 calories

I'm entitling this next entry as "Friday" instead of Day 24 because we did not do the scheduled workout for Day 24.  Had a full and busy day at the garage sale, in which I was on my feet for 8 hours straight, and my husband is fighting off a cold and feelings of regret over pushing too hard during yesterday's late night workout.  But, feet tiredness aside, I felt ready for a workout.  I didn't want to do the Plyo Circuit without my husband, and since my feet were so tired, Insane Abs seemed to fit the bill of a good workout without too much extra exertion of my feet.  The saying "If you don't use it, you lose it" rang a bell today.  I haven't been working my lower abs as intensely during the last 3 weeks, and I found I couldn't hold 6 Inches.  At all.  Maybe 12 Inches.  Or more like 18 Inches.  I swear I was able to do this at the end of Round 1 just a month ago.  Oops!  That being said, I was able to do everything else, so I must not be too bad off.

Hoping the extra rest helps my hubby kick this cold, and we can be back on track tomorrow. 

Day 24
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
40 minutes
W:  424 calories

M:  544 calories

Weekend means morning workout.  Yay!!!  Much more enjoyable than the evening workouts, but c'est la vie.  The best part about this workout was knowing I only have to do this video one more time. :)

Day 25
Cardio Recovery
33 minutes
W: 177 calories
M:  forgot to press "start" on heart rate monitor.  Oops!

Last Cardio Recovery!  Of course, that means "recovery" now gets harder, but I'm going to focus on the positive.  Such as not having to hear Shaun T say that he can't get his knees up very high because "I got big quads." 

I made it through the whole workout without any breaks in the stretches.  That means I held the squats, lunges, and plie squats for the full time and did all the pulses without having to stand up to stretch out my muscles before going back into it.  For me, this included an audible "pep talk" during the plie squats, reminding myself that this was my last time doing this video, that I HAD to make it all the way through this time, and lots of repeating: "I can do it I can do it I can do it".  My husband still had to break some of the stretches early and go back into them, but that's totally understandable even at Week 4.  I mean, this is only the 4th time through this video.  If you weren't too flexible going into it, it's going to improve by Week 4, but it's also not magic.  I noticed a great improvement in the length he was able to hold his stretches compared to his first time.  Fitness doesn't happen overnight, so it's kind of nice to have these videos that you do several times to compare yourself.

Step Aerobics

50 minutes
469 calories
Weight Training
no heart rate data used

Husband is sick, so I kind of figured he wouldn't be up for the scheduled Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs tonight.  I hit the gym in the morning just in case.  It's been a few weeks since I've gone to my Step class, and I still love it.  Heart rate was at the low end of my target range throughout the workout.  Kind of used to pressing the envelope during Insanity, so it was a nice change of pace to have a fairly consistent 170 for the entire 50 minutes.  I was sweating, but it still felt too easy after 3 months of Insanity.  Wrapped up my workout with 30 minutes of strength training, which was much appreciated and missed during my Insanity workouts.  I was able to do assisted pull-ups at a much lower weight of assistance than before.  I'd love to be able to do them unassisted, but right now my limit is about 1 on that, so I have to go with what works.  I must admit I caught a glance at myself in the mirror while doing seated cable rows, and was impressed with my back and shoulder muscles.  Seriously, when did I get those?  Confidence just upped itself a notch.

Glad I worked out, because it turns out I was right - my husband came home and felt too sick to work out.  Took some Nyquil and went to bed instead.  But, for the record, I was ready for more and would have gladly done Insanity with him.

Day 26
Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
60 minutes
W:  522 calories
M:  724 calories

Last day of Pure Cardio.  Husband is still fighting a cold, and had a hard time pushing through tonight, but we managed to complete both workouts before dinner, which is a huge plus for us tonight since we have evening commitments. I had a moment of weakness during "Frog Jumps" - the phone rang, and I was all too happy to get it!  Back in for the last 20 seconds and finished strong.  Muscles were a little sore from the weight lifting yesterday, so I did some extra stretches afterwards for my calves and chest, which were feeling the burn the most.  Looking forward to wrapping up Week 4 tomorrow!  This has been a really long "week" - too many setbacks for my liking.

Day 27
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
41 minutes
W:  427 calories
M:  588 calories

 This is it!  Finished with Month 1!  Our very last Plyometric Cardio Circuit video!  Unfortunately, I know what's to come in month 2, so I'm trying to pump up my enthusiasm, but it's not quite the same as it was the first time around.  My first time, I was really excited to take it up a notch, and to see what month 2 had in store.  Perhaps it's because I already know what's to come, or perhaps it's the evening workouts that are just making me a little more tired and I'm not quite ready for an hour long workout at night.  At any rate, I have a feeling my husband and I are both going to need each other to keep our motivation up during the next 4 weeks after Recovery Week.

Day 28

Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 3

Week 3 Tip
They say it takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit.  While that may not always be the case, let's hope that by the end of Week 3 you're committed to making fitness part of your routine for life.  When the stresses of life try to creep back in, don't let them sidetrack you from your fitness goals. The answer is not to skip your workout or have a cheat meal—just get in and Push Play. Working out releases stress-reducing hormones, so it really is the feel-good medicine, physically and emotionally!

Day 15
Fit Test
26 minutes
W: 227 calories
M: 320 calories

Seriously, the Fit Test is hard work!  My husband improved on just about everything, but my numbers changed by only a few repetitions (some more, some less). I'm not especially surprised by this, since I experienced so much improvement during my first round of Insanity, and for many exercises I really feel that I'm doing as much as I physically can do in one minute.  Sometimes the fluctuation of just a few reps is literally just a momentary lapse in concentration, or failing to start at the exact moment Shaun T says "Go."  At the end of the day, I am working hard, and succeeding.

My husband's tests, on the other hand, were quite impressive.  After 2 weeks, his numbers were mostly on par with mine, and I've been doing this for 2 months!  However exhausted you are after finishing the Fit Test, seeing those numbers improve is a great encouragement that you're doing something right. 

My Fit Test #2
Switch Kicks - 143
Power Jacks - 53
Power Knees - 98
Power Jumps - 42
Globe Jumps - 9 1/2
Suicide Jumps - 21
Push-up Jacks - 29
Low Plank Oblique - 85

Husband's Fit Test #2
Switch Kicks - 117
Power Jacks - 45
Power Knees - 95
Power Jumps - 37
Globe Jumps -7
Suicide Jumps - 14
Push-up Jacks - 20
Low Plank Oblique -58

Day 16
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
41 minutes
W: 472 calories
M: 578 calories

I woke up with a sore throat, and just was not feeling like working out today.  Plyometric Circuit is personally the hardest video for me (in month 1), so it took a little more effort than usual to push play today.  But I did!  For my husband and I, so far we haven't had to ask each other, "Are we working out today?"  We are both determined to stick with the schedule, so sometimes it's more like, "When are we going to fit the workout in today?"  I think this is a very important frame of mind to have - never question IF you're going to work out that day.  Just know that you are, and if you have to switch around the time because of a conflict, so be it.  My husband said he still has a hard time just getting through the whole warm-up, so his cardiovascular endurance still has a long way to go.  But we're still pushing through and doing all we can every day.

Today was one of those crazy workouts, where I got an important phone call in the middle of the warm-up stretches, my husband had to stop and re-tie his shoe laces and my youngest needed help in the bathroom, I had to take a potty break in between the intervals, ... just one of those days.  But even with all those distractions, we finished, and felt better afterwards having completed the workout. 

Day 17
Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
61 minutes
W: 563 calories
M: 629 calories

I'm really starting to look forward to my Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs day.  I know it's a longer workout, but it's becoming one of my favorite.  Really pushed through today, had to take a few breaks to allow my heart rate to recover a bit (sad to admit I took a full 30 seconds off of power squats, but then had no excuse during frog jumps - those are so hard!!).  My husband was really struggling today.  He has never worked out this intensely, consistently every day.  I'm a little worried about taking a few days off this weekend, but I think he's secretly looking forward to the break.  We've discussed the possibility of doing Cardio Power tomorrow, then doing Cardio Recovery on Friday after our convention, since it might actually feel really good to get up and stretch our muscles, and then we're only off one extra day.  Hope we can stick to that plan, but it gives me the opportunity to comment on how you can deviate from the schedule somewhat.  Use discernment.  Usually Cardio Recovery is in the middle of the week after two or three workouts.  If you have to rearrange your "off" day to be in the middle of the week, you may want to move Cardio Recovery to what would have been the off day on the schedule, so there's still a cardio break every 3 days or so.  Also, I sometimes add just the floor work portion of Cardio Abs after Cardio Recovery if I'm feeling up to doing a little more.

Day 18
Cardio Power & Resistance
39 minutes
W:  418 calories
M:  551 calories

Today was supposed to be Cardio Recovery, but as I said yesterday, we adapted our schedule somewhat this week to accommodate a 3-day convention we are attending this weekend.  So, after spending our morning packing and driving 2 hours in the car, we arrived at a townhouse we rented for the weekend.  Unpacked, got in our workout clothes, and pushed play.  I could not be more proud of my husband than I was on this day.  I could tell he did NOT feel like working out - this was definitely one of those days he was doing it just for me.  Yay for workout buddies!  But, as always, we both felt better after our workout.  However, big failure on my part as I forgot to pack our Recovery Formula! Rats!  I'm okay without it, but my husband really enjoys the Recovery drink after his workouts, and I think he carbed out a bit at dinner because he didn't have it.

On a side note, staying in the same townhouse with us is a certified Neuromuscular Therapist and fitness trainer.  He had not yet seen the Insanity videos, and was impressed.  We pushed play and there he was in the background, just watching.  I kept hearing comments during our workout such as, "Oh, wow.  That works 'such and such' muscle," or "Those are kind of like 'such and such' exercise."  He also complimented our good form, which was nice to hear because sometimes it's hard to tell what you look like.  Also turns out that working out while someone else was watching pushed me to try harder.  Just a note for all you who have significant others who do NOT want to join you - it won't help them any, but if they watch it might just help you!  Plus my husband just watched me do it the first time, and now he's doing it with me, so you never know!

Day 19

Muscles sore this morning - did some stretching to alleviate the tightness.  Not scheduled as off, but our 15-minute drive back to the townhouse turned into 2 hours thanks to a horrendous traffic jam.  There just wasn't any time or energy left in the day.

Day 20
Cardio Recovery
W:  217 calories
M:  229 calories

Better day today, and came back from our convention and pushed play.  Cardio Recovery felt great after a long day of sitting.  My husband still can't hold the squat holds for very long, but I'm happy to say I never had to break the stretch during the entire video.  I wanted to do Insane Abs afterwards, but my window of opportunity ended and I had to relinquish my TV access.

Day 21
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
45 minutes
W:  446 calories
M:  568 calories

Technically, day 21 we also took "off".  Our convention put us behind schedule exactly one day, which I'm actually quite proud of considering we were away from home a total of 4 days.  But, I don't want my blog to be off by day number, so just know that technically this is our 22nd day on the program, but only day 21 on the schedule.

With that off my chest, this is our first workout since my husband went back to work after vacation.  We started Insanity when he was still on vacation, so it will be a bit of a test to see how we do now that we're forced to work out later in the day, after a full day of work.  I think we'll make it through the next 2 weeks okay, but a little worried once we hit the longer (and more challenging) Max workouts in month 2.

So, tonight we went out to eat because I haven't gone grocery shopping yet, and I think I just still had too much in my stomach when we started our workout at 9pm. I didn't want to start - I wanted to go to bed.  But felt myself getting into it during the warm-up, and it ended up being one of the best Plyometric Cardio Circuits I've done.  Got through the whole first interval without any extra breaks, and was able to keep up with the 2nd interval, too.  Had a few collapses, but got back up and finished strong.  My husband had a scare when he looked down at his heart rate monitor and stopped dead. "My heart rate is 200, and it's not going down!"  Ran over to look, and turns out a setting got changed and he was looking at calories burned!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 2

Week 2 Tip
Nutrition Tip: Try to eat 5 times per day—3 meals and 2 snacks—each with roughly the same amount of calories. It keeps your blood sugar stable instead of peaking and crashing, which can lead to overeating and a general poor feeling.
Fitness Tip:  You might be tempted to skip a workout because you are feeling sore.  Exercise actually increases circulation, which in turn, speeds healing. So keep going and make sure to get your 8 hours of sleep each night so that your body is getting the rest and recovery it needs.

By the way, my husband just got a heart rate monitor, so I will start to include his calorie count too.  His will likely be kind of inflated this week until we can change the settings with an accurate resting heart rate, target heart rate, weight, etc.

Day 8
Cardio Power and Resistance
W: 41 minutes, 398 calories

We both started today's workout having a hard time getting our heads into the game, so to speak.  I really had to focus and concentrate on what I was doing, but it got better after the warm-ups.  Cardio Power and Resistance starts right off with Power Jumps, so right off the bat we're wiped out.  I asked my husband, "Why are these Belt Kicks so hard?"  "Because they're right after the Power Jumps!"  By the third set on the interval, he had modified to just a standard squat because the energy for another jump just wasn't there.

Many people get discouraged when they can't complete a move, or maybe they can do a couple but can't get through the whole set.  What do you do?  Modify!!  Modifying moves is a smart idea.  First off, I tell people to try to do as many of the original move as they can.  If you can do most of them, then perhaps all you need is a quick 5-second break and then get right back into it.  But if the muscles just aren't there and you're only able to do a couple, modify to a similar move until you build up the muscle strength.  Can't do moving push-ups?  Do regular push-ups or push-ups from the knees.  Can't do Power Jumps?  Do squats.  I've heard of people who just jog in place when they can't do the moves, but although this serves to keep your heart rate up, it doesn't actually improve the muscle strength to help you do those moves in the future.  So when you need to modify, take a good look at what Shaun T is doing, and see how you can simplify it - you'll likely find yourself digging deeper.

Day 9
Pure Cardio
W: 39 minutes, 384 calories
M: 39 minutes, 499 calories
Cardio Abs (not on the schedule, but I did the floor portion, about 15 minutes, 81 calories)

No matter how many times you've done this video, it's still really hard work! After the warm-up and stretching, there's about 15 minutes of intense exercises, each 1 minute long and with no breaks.  This doesn't sound that bad.  I have done plenty of intense exercises for 15 minutes straight with no problem.  And I've done the Max version of this workout - why can I still not get through this video without taking some breaks?

But these aren't just intense exercises - these are INSANE, often involving your full body and every muscle involved is working hard!  Shaun T's motto of "Dig Deeper" really rang true today.  There were many moments where I pushed myself to do every single second of an exercise, only to find that at the end of the minute I was too tired to go right into the next exercise.  My husband was feeling a little under the weather today, and although we both completed the workouts, I could tell he was dragging and taking a lot of breaks.  That's perfectly okay - when you're not feeling up to par, as long as you're not really sick, exercise is still good for you, but don't push so much that you wear yourself down.  It's a tough balance to reach, so you really need to just listen to your body.

At the end of Pure Cardio, I was exhausted, but felt like I just wanted to do some ab work.  I skipped the cardio portion of the video (I'll get to those on Day 14), and just did the floor exercises.  It's about 15 minutes with exercises that engage your entire core.  When I first did Cardio Abs back in May, I had a really hard time even just maintaining the C-Sit position.  I couldn't get through any of the exercises without taking a break.  But after doing this video followed by Insane Abs in month 2, I'm proud to say I did the whole thing without any unscheduled breaks.  So keep at it - these exercises really do strengthen your abs!

Day 10
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
41 minutes
W:  447 calories
M: 604 calories

I was determined today to get through the whole workout without added breaks; to do every second of every exercise.  This frame of mind really helped me push through, and I made it through all 3 sets in the first interval like this.  Having a goal works wonders!  But it also exhausted me and I couldn't meet the same goal on the second interval. I'm having a problem with the Ski Abs - my arms are so tired from the push-ups right before that they are giving out holding the plank position for the Ski Abs.  I remember the first time through Insanity, my quadriceps were the muscles giving out on Ski Abs.  So, I guess it's nice to know that those muscles are stronger, but what's happening to my arms?  Kind of frustrating.  Had to take some breaks during Ski Abs and In/Out Abs and go into child's pose for a few seconds, but then hopped right back in.  I couldn't help but wonder, "Why is this so hard?"  Then I reminded myself that even those in the video, who are obviously quite fit, are taking some breaks, their eyes begging Shaun T for mercy.  Even Shaun T takes breaks, cleverly disguised as going around the class.  So I may just be expecting too much of myself to get through the entire 40 minutes without more than the 30-second water breaks offered in the video.  The point is not to give up - to take your break and hop right back in.  I'll get another shot when we do the video next week.

Day 11
Cardio Power & Resistance
41 minutes
W: 400 calories

M:  590 calories

First of all, let me clarify the schedule a bit.  Technically today was supposed to be Cardio Recovery, but my husband and I both agreed we wanted more of a workout today, and would save Recovery for tomorrow, when our schedule forces us to work out later in the day as opposed to the morning.

Got through the first interval without extra breaks, which is saying a lot since the interval includes a minute each of Power Jumps, Belt Kicks, Moving Push-Ups, and Floor Sprints.  I did almost as good during the last interval, but those Globe Jumps get me every time.  But after about an 8-second rest, I was ready to jump in and finish strong.  Also had to adapt the last couple sets of push-ups at the end to do from my knees, but finished them all after making that minor change.

Later in the day I added some strength training - biceps, triceps, deltoids, shoulders.  Wanted to do more but ran out of time.

My husband still has to take a lot of breaks to get through, including some during the warm-up, but he completes every video.  I think his biggest obstacle at this point is working up his endurance.  He can do all the moves, but just has to take more breaks to let his heart rate come down a bit and recovery before continuing on.  He's really doing a wonderful job, and I admire how when certain muscles give out, he automatically tries to modify so he can continue with the workout.  He doesn't even need to be prodded by me to do it :) 

Day 12
Cardio Recovery
33 minutes
W: 185 calories
M: 279 calories

Ah, recovery day.  Proud to say I can now hold all those squats and lunges for the full time, although I still have to take a quick break (stand up, exhale, go back into stretch) during the Yoga Plie Stretch.  Recovery stretching always feels good, although it usually leaves me itching for more.

Got my Shakeology Shaker Cup in, and happy to say it worked like a charm.  Added some leftover cold coffee refrigerated from yesterday, some milk, and a scoop of Chocolate Shakeology.  Shake it up and voila!  There's breakfast!  I wasn't expecting the shaker cup to work so well, but it really did.  In fact, I think I liked it even better than the blender for the Chocolate flavor.  However, not exactly a home run with the Tropical Strawberry flavor.  Going to stick to my personal-sized blender for this one.  I have a Cuisinart with a screw-on blade, and you actually blend it upside down, then use the same cup to drink out of - no pouring.  But at least now I know when on vacation or a long day at work, I don't have to bring my blender - just my chocolate Shakeology and a shaker cup and I'm in business.

Day 13
Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
61 minutes
W: 546 calories
M: 691 calories

Today was the first day that the schedule called for adding Cardio Abs after Pure Cardio.  The Cardio Abs video is only 16 minutes long, but it's still hard to go through the wonderful cool down after the exertion of Pure Cardio, and then go right into an ab-based warm-up with High Knees, with a twist, and Tuck Jumps.  For someone not used to working the abdominals, or for those of us out there who predominantly do crunches, the C-Sit Position offers a whole new brand of torture. It engages the whole core from the get-go, and then you add abdominal exercises on top of it - whew!  I'm pretty sure this is the first time my husband has ever done anything in the C-Sit position, so he followed Shaun T's advice to lean forward when you need a rest, then go back into position.  The exercises were intense, but he said he loved the workout. 

Day 14

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 1

Tip for Week 1
In order to survive Insanity, you need to land softly during every move.  Otherwise your knees, ankles, feet - everything is going to be sore and your joints will sustain damage over time with improper form.  To land softly, you need to have "soft knees".  This means having just a slight bend to your knees as you land.  This is demonstrated in the Dig Deeper section of the first DVD.  Practice that technique - you'll be using it a lot in the weeks to come!

If you do not think you are ready for Insanity, or if after the first few workouts, you find you really can't get through them, I would recommend starting with the Core Cardio and Balance video.  This workout is intended to be introduced during Recovery Week.  However, I have found that the slightly slower pace of the video, while still incredibly challenging, is a little gentler to break you in to the craziness of Insanity.  So if you find that you can't get through the warm-ups, try a week of Core Cardio and Balance to see if that helps to get you in a more physically fit condition to take on the rest of Insanity.

Day 2
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
41 minutes, 472 calories

Although the Fit Test is included in the Week 1 schedule, the first real Insanity workout starts on Day 2.  Plyometric Cardio Circuit.  Today, I started out my day not with Insanity, but with a Step aerobics class at the gym.  Kept my heart rate high and burned a little over 500 calories in the hour.  Followed up with some shoulders, back, and bicep strength training.  My energy was high all day, but soon after starting our evening workout of Insanity, I was definitely regretting the added strength training.  I was able to push through most of the workout, but my arms and shoulders were a little too tired to hold the plank position during Ski Abs and In/Out Abs.  I wasn't able to complete all the reps.  Felt my arms giving out before my legs and abs had a chance to.  Today definitely served as a reminder that even though I've done Insanity once, and lived through the harder max workouts of month 2, every one of these are tough!

My husband had what I would call a typical first day experience.  For most people on the first day, you're ready to stop halfway through the warm-up, and can't believe it when it keeps going for another 40 minutes.  He did a great job pushing through, while making sure to stop or modify to avoid injury on tired muscles.  My favorite moment was doing Suicide Drills side by side.  Something about running in sync across the living room was just too cool.

Day 3
Cardio Power and Resistance

40 minutes, 430 calories

This was definitely the day I felt like I was overdoing it.  Or rather, I really overdid it yesterday, and still had to get through today.  Worked out late last night, then woke up at 7:30 to do Cardio Power and Resistance before heading to the gym for a Plyometrics class.  Insanity was hard to get through today.  I was tired and a little sore from yesterday, but pushed through and did everything with very few breaks.  The Plyometrics class at my gym felt really great.  Stretching all those muscles I've been using, and I didn't find the core work difficult at all after doing Insanity for the last 2 months.

For my husband, however, today felt like another nail in the coffin.  He was really struggling with muscle soreness from the day before, which made it harder to push through today.  He's still very much committed, it's just taking a lot more out of him than I think he was prepared for.

Day 4
Cardio Recovery
33 minutes, 198 calories

I am so thankful that today was a recovery day.  We were both up way too late last night, had two days in a row where we really pushed ourselves to the max, and we both needed a break.  Last time around, I was disappointed by recovery day because I wanted more.  But I've really come to appreciate what a day of good stretching can do.

Today was also a day that I really appreciated the accountability I have while working out with my husband.  Had this not been a recovery day, I'm not sure I could have pushed myself to do the workout if we weren't doing it together.  Having a workout buddy is SO important - even if it's someone online and not in your own living room.  You really need someone to encourage you to keep going, even on the days you would rather sleep, rest, or just plain do anything but work out!  If you have purchased a program through Team Beachbody, you are assigned a coach to help you through.  Contact them for help and accountability to get you through!  I have also become an Independent Coach with Team Beachbody, so if you want me to be your coach, let me know - all it takes is an email to make the switch.

The Cardio Recovery video is definitely the slowest of all the Insanity workouts.  Started with lots of stretching, and included exercises such as leg lifts, prolonged hip flexor stretches, plie squats, and a set of squats and lunges which included holding those positions for an extended period then adding pulses. One of those videos where you feel sore while doing it, but end up feeling refreshed.

Day 5
Pure Cardio
39 minutes, 405 calories

Pure Cardio begins with Shaun T admitting that he himself is nervous about doing this workout. This does not help our own anxiety about what's to come.  He calls it his endurance workout, because you do one exercise after another without any rest period or water breaks.  You kind of have to gauge and take your own breaks as necessary, as even some members in the video do.  I used to dread Pure Cardio, but now I appreciate that at least none of the moves are repeated (unlike his other interval workouts).  I find it a little easier to give my all knowing that this is the only chance I get (and I don't have to do it 2 more times :)

Even after doing a spin class this morning, I was still able to push through Pure Cardio today.  Although tired, we both pushed through with minimal breaks.  I felt slightly nauseous after the workout was over, but that went away as soon as I drank my Recovery Formula.  It's like magic.

Another thing that made this workout better was NEW SHOES!!!  I've been searching for over a month, since most stores don't carry cross trainers.  Tried a few different brands, but liked Asics the best.  I found several different styles that offered great cushioning, a necessity with all the high impact movements in Insanity.  Trying out the Asics Neo33 right now, and so far they feel amazing.  Hoping the shoe search is finally over!  My husband is also trying out new shoes.  Tried Nikes, Adidas, New Balance, and also liked the Asics best.  Said today was the first workout where his feet didn't hurt. 

Day 6

Okay, I know Day 7 is supposed to be the first "off" day, but we decided we would rather have Saturday as our off day every week.  So, taking the day off today, but completing the week tomorrow.

Day 7
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
41 minutes, 423 calories

We finished Week 1!  And we're both still alive!  Sore, tired, but alive.

We got a late start today, and I was just starting to feel hungry before beginning the workout, so I mixed up some Recovery Formula to drink a little before I started for some quick calories to get me through.  Saved the rest for the end of the workout, but it did serve to quench my immediate hunger and give me enough energy to get through the workout.  I pushed myself pretty hard on this one, really trying to do everything I could without any breaks.  Didn't quite reach that goal, but it's amazing how much further I can get when I talk out loud.  Maybe Insanity is getting to me and making me, well, a little crazy.  Talking to myself?  I justified it by thinking I was also kind of encouraging my husband to push through, but it was really for me.  10 more seconds left?  I called out "10 more seconds!  I can do it!"  Starting an entire minute of In and Out Abs and don't feel like I have enough energy for even one?  I called out each movement: "In! Out! In! Out!", and let me tell you, I did the entire set.  It was like having a personal trainer in the room with me (even if that personal trainer was myself).  Uh Oh.  Now I'm talking multiple personalities - yep, I'm definitely crazy.  But next time you feel ready to collapse, give it a try.  Talk to yourself.  Count down out loud.  Tell yourself, "You can do this!"  You might just surprise yourself.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Insanity Round 2

Day 1
Fit Test
28 minutes, 280 calories burned

Since this is Round 2 for me, my Fit Test was pretty much the same as my 5th test from my first time through Insanity.  So, I'll post my first ever fit test figures from April, as well as my starting numbers for this time.  I'm not sure how much they'll improve over the course of the next 60 days, but hoping they'll go up by a few reps each time.

First Fit Test, April 25, 2012
Switch Kicks - 100
Power Jacks - 30
Power Knees - 82
Power Jumps - 11
Globe Jumps - 7
Suicide Jumps - 11
Push-up Jacks - 7
Low Plank Oblique - 27

Fit Test 1, Round 2, July 16, 2012
Switch Kicks - 149
Power Jacks - 52
Power Knees - 98
Power Jumps - 42
Globe Jumps -11
Suicide Jumps - 20
Push-up Jacks - 26
Low Plank Oblique -74 (actually down from my 4th fit test of 90)

I was definitely feeling the fact that I had taken a week "off".  In retrospect, I probably should have been doing something last week, but I was on vacation and kind of enjoying the break.  But this week I'm back in!  Also hitting the gym with my sister-in-law this week to try some new things and motivate each other. Hope I still have the energy for Insanity - I'll keep you posted on that!

Now, since my blog is also documenting my husband's first time journey through Insanity, I'll also list his Fit Test results here.  He did very well, but said he had more problems with the moves involving the lower body.  He was also not in ideal condition for his upper body, since he hurt his arm yesterday and the muscles were still pretty sore. He has never been one to exercise really, but has a fairly physically demanding job.  At times he has lifted weights with me or on his own at home, but this is definitely the first time he's ever done a program this challenging.  His main concern going into Insanity was that he knew his heart was out of shape.  Sure enough, halfway through he had a really hard time catching his breath.  Our daughter came over and said, "If you do this next exercise, then you can rest!"  Love my little cheerleader.  After completing the Fit Test, he was pretty wiped.  I offered him a Recovery Drink, which after finishing he said felt like medicine for his muscles.  That's how I feel about the Recovery formula too.  I don't drink it every time, but those days where I feel like jelly or like I might not keep any food down if I were to eat just then, the Recovery Formula sets me right.

Jerry's Fit Test 1
Switch Kicks - 60
Power Jacks - 47
Power Knees - 70
Power Jumps - 27
Globe Jumps - 7
Suicide Jumps - 12
Push-up Jacks - 15
Low Plank Oblique -55

Sunday, July 15, 2012

60 Days of Insanity

As a little background, I have always struggled with weight issues.  I spent about 5 years of my youth in a state of overweight/obesity until I learned to moderate my eating habits and add regular exercise.  But moderation is not always easy, and a few slip-ups can leave you with pounds that take months or years to lose.  For me, I ran into a big problem when I became pregnant.  All of a sudden, I had an excuse to eat a little extra, and blamed many bad food choices on "cravings."  After all, I reasoned, it was only temporary, and no one would notice a few extra pounds when there's a baby protruding from my midsection.  Through nursing and lots and lots of walking with a colicky baby, I managed to lose the extra weight within the first year after my baby was born, but then all too soon became pregnant again (it was planned, but kind of disappointing to only have about 2 months of my old body before going through it all again).  Same eating habits, same weight gain, but this time the weight didn't come off.  After 2 years of trying to fit exercise into my busy schedule, I found myself only 5 lbs closer to my goal.

I decided I needed to get more serious.  I started tracking my calories and switched to a mostly vegetarian diet, and I started making the gym a priority, even if it was still just twice a week, I worked out for 2 hours each time (aerobics and strength training).  I was getting closer to my pre-pregnancy weight, but a physical exam revealed that my heart was still out of shape, and did not return to a normal range after just a minute of light exercise.  My doctor advised that I needed to exercise more consistently, and that increasing to 3-4 times a week should greatly improve my cardiovascular fitness.

My problem was that I couldn't see myself getting to the gym more often during the week.  With the time constraints of my day and having to drive my kids to various activities, I found that by the time I dropped them off and drove to the gym, I had long enough to work out and shower, but not really long enough to do anything else, so any way I scheduled it my entire morning was lost if I went to the gym.  I needed to find something I could do at home, BEFORE my kids woke up and my day switched into chaos-mode.  I also needed something more structured, something that would provide me with motivation to do it every day.  I found my answer with the fitness programs offered through Team Beachbody.

Since I have free weights at home and was used to doing my own strength training, I was mainly looking for a program to offer cardiovascular fitness.  I decided, despite my fears after watching the infomercial, to try Insanity, lead by trainer Shaun T.  In the days between placing my order and the arrival of my DVD package, I had serious doubts about whether or not I would be able to do this program.  My friends and family all thought I was crazy.  I mean, the extremely fit individuals in the promo video look like they're having a hard time with this - what chance do I have?

I lost 7 lbs total, which may not seem like much, but since my goal was 5, I ended up lighter and with a lower body fat percentage than I had been in 11 years.  I lost a total of 6" (waist, hips, thighs, and arms combined). I was able to dig out all my old clothes, and then found that even a lot of those were now too big.  I also met my cardiovascular goals.  My resting heart rate is now much lower, and my recovery rate after exercise is excellent.  I met the strict fitness requirements to be a part of the Wellness Club at my workplace, and am hoping that my next text will reveal that I can advance to the Athletic Level of fitness (I was just 0.6% body fat away from qualifying last time, and I have lost 2 more pounds since then).

But what's next?  After completing Insanity, I feel like I can do anything. But my husband has been watching me these past 2 months.  Watching me do these moves that seem crazy, watching my confidence soar with both my physical changes and my sense of accomplishment, watching me climb up flights of stairs without getting short of breath, and I think watching his own waistline which is slightly rounder than what it used to be. He decided that he wanted to do Insanity with me. So, starting Monday July 16th, I'm going for Round 2! It's going to feel a little strange starting from the beginning, but I've heard from others that it's just as difficult the second time around, especially since you're likely able to make it through the whole video this time. But I have to admit I'm slightly less motivated than I was the first time. First of all, I've already done it, so there's less of that feeling that I have to finish just to prove to myself and others that I can do it. Second, my husband can only exercise in the evenings, and I know that for workouts I do much better in the mornings.  I'm a little worried about having the energy by the end of the day, and also pushing myself to spend one of those precious husband-only/kid-free hours on exercise. Third, I've already met all the goals that were driving me the first time around, so I need to find new goals to motivate me for the next 60 days.

With a program this demanding, motivation is key. So here's my plan to get me through.
1) Accountability with my husband. We're in this together this time, so his goals become my goals. If I flake out, he's more likely to skip the workout too, but alternatively my perseverance can push him to keep going.
2) Accountability with my new blog. If I am blogging about each day, as I hope to do, that means I have to admit when I skip a day.
3) New fitness goals. I plan to get below 20% body fat, and hope to lose another inch or two around my waist and hips. I'm not sure my Fit Tests will improve much this time around (I mean, realistically, there is a limit to how many power jumps you can do in one minute, but I will try to improve each time, even if just by a few reps).  I'm hoping to further improve my muscular endurance, as there are still many exercises that I can not complete during the Max workouts without taking a quick break.
4) Motivate others. I'm hoping that through this blog and by sticking to the schedule, I can motivate others to try Insanity or really any regular exercise program, or for those currently in the program, to stick with it till the end.  If you are interested in Insanity and would like to join me as we go through the program together, click here to order your own copy of the DVDs.

The Ultimate Goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  So no matter what program I'm doing, I'm in this for life. I'm hoping this thought will also keep me going, since it's not just a matter of finishing the next 60 days, but of finding a way to incorporate fitness into not only my life, but the life of my husband and children as well.  For the next 2 months it may be Insanity, but perhaps after that we'll do another Beachbody program together, like P90X, or take walks or bike rides with the kids before bed.  I hope that I can save my children from the overweight childhood I had, and infuse in them a love for fitness and healthy eating that will last for generations to come.