Tip for Week 7
This is the home stretch - last 2 weeks. You know the Max workouts now, so keep pushing. Make every minute count. You get into this what you put into it. Your intensity could be the difference between meeting your goals and falling short. Focus on your goals, and do what you need to do to reach them. If you need to push harder on workouts, or if nutritionally you're not where you need to be, make the necessary adjustments.
You also may need to reevaluate your calorie level. Make sure you weigh-in this week, and recalculate your caloric needs based on your current weight and activity level. It's possible you may need fewer calories than when you began, or if you have gained muscle, you may require more.
Day 50
Max Interval Circuit
60 minutes
W: 627 calories
I am tired. I am really, really tired. Remember two weeks ago when I said how important it is to get enough sleep, especially during these Max workouts? Let me tell you, 5 hours is NOT enough sleep. I had two "cups" of coffee (I use that term loosely, because really my mug fits 2 cups (16oz) at a time, and I had two of those). Still not feeling up to the workout. I took a 15-minute power nap, hoping that would help. Still not feeling up to the workout. But at 5pm I was looking at a "now or never" type of situation, so I pushed play. Still not feeling up to the workout. I felt like I was breathing heavier and just all out more tired than usual. Perhaps feeling a little under the weather didn't help the situation, but one thing is certain: I'm going to make a real concerted effort to get enough sleep from here on out. I'm glad I pushed myself to do it, but I didn't have much fun, and if you're not enjoying your workout, what's the point?
Fit Test
Switch Kicks - 139 (Test 1- 149; 2- 143)
Power Jacks - 56 (Test 1- 52; 2- 53)
Power Knees - 97 (Test 1- 98; 2- 98)
Power Jumps - 52 (Test 1- 42; 2- 42)
Globe Jumps - 11 (Test1- 11; 2- 9 1/2)
Suicide Jumps - 20 (Test 1- 20; 2- 21)
Push-Up Jacks - 25 (Test1- 26; 2- 29)
Low Plank Oblique - 62 (Test 1- 74; 2- 85)
I was a little disappointed in my Fit Test this week. For about half of the exercises I stayed the same, which is fine, but on 3 exercises I dropped, in some cases rather significantly. I did 4 less push-ups jacks, and not so much because I ran out of time, but because I just couldn't do any more. My low plank oblique number was lower than it's been in months. Granted, I made a concerted effort to keep my hips down and really keep my form correct the entire time, so it's possible that on previous Fit Tests I let myself sacrifice form for the sake of increased reps. On a positive note, I did 10 more Power Jumps! This is by far the biggest increase I've had on any exercise in a while. So, Yay!
Day 51
Max Interval Plyo
55 minutes
W: 547 calories
These workouts take so much out of me, it's becoming harder for me to push play. Ideally I prefer to fit my workout in before dinner, but it's not always possible to wrap up work and get dinner going in time to do that. With a workout that's an hour long, being even 15 minutes behind schedule means I have to push my workout back until later in the evening, when I'm even less motivated to work out. BUT, I'm pushing through, and trying to stay motivated through these next 2 weeks. Keeping my own words in mind that I'm only going to get out of this what I put in, and phoning it in the last 2 weeks will not help me reach my goals.
Day 52
Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs
81 minutes
760 calories
Max Cardio Conditioning is my favorite of the Max workouts. I look forward to it every time it comes on the schedule, so pushing play today was not an issue at all. That being said, I found it extremely endearing that my little 4-year-old was so excited to work out with me again that she kept asking all morning, "When are you going to do your workout?" She got her water bottle all ready, and even found a headband so she could match Mommy, and patiently waited for me to get my chores done. She finally declared, "It's time for your workout!", and who was I to argue with her? Took a small break in between Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs to get some baking started, then started up again. I must say, it's much harder to do Insane Abs after a break. When you do them right after the other, your body just kind of views it as a longer workout. But with the break, even though it was less than 30 minutes, once I started up again I realized that my muscles felt sore and tired. I prefer to trick my body into doing it all at once and feeling sore later :)
Day 53
Max Recovery
47 minutes
298 calories
Felt up for more than just Recovery today, but I know that my body needs it. I think my daughter was disappointed with the slower pace of the video - she likes the jumping and running better. She lost interest halfway through. I'm beginning to wonder what I'm going to do next after Insanity. I was planning to do something weight-related, but starting to think she might really miss our workouts together. May end up doing a hybrid of two programs and keep the cardio from Insanity. I have just a little over a week to decide!
Day 54
Max Interval Circuit
55 minutes
W: 645 calories
Although this is probably my least favorite Insanity video, I tried to focus on giving it my all. In the back of my mind was the thought that this video is only on the schedule one more time, so give it your all because you only have one more shot! Done! Just one more time to go!
Day 55
Max Interval Sports Training (or Core Cardio & Balance)
55 minutes
W: 490 calories
Did really good today. Picked up my pace on the Ladder sprints and ended the workout rather proud of how far I've come. It feels good to go through a workout with such difficult moves, knowing that for the most part, you can handle it, and even excel.
Day 56
For those crazy enough to try it, Insanity is a 60-day total body conditioning fitness program designed to get you in shape in just 2 months. I just completed the Insanity exercise program from Team Beachbody, and now plan to do it all again with my husband. Follow me through my journey of Round 2 of Insanity as I document my results every step of the way. I hope to give a unique perspective of Insanity, from both a male first-timer and as a female who's already been through the program.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Week 6
Tips for Week 6
Nutrition Tip
Remember to focus on your nutrition. Keep track of your calories, and try to eat 5 small meals a day (all around the same calories content) to keep your metabolism steadily burning all day. Also remember that eating better includes what you drink, so avoid the empty calories in juice, soda, and alcohol. Even diet soda will spike your blood sugar, since your body cannot differentiate between regular and artificial sweeteners. Alcohol not only affects blood sugar and sleep patterns, but can alter hormone levels, leading to a decrease in fat loss. Even juice is better replaced with whole fruit for more fiber and vitamins. Stick to water, and drink LOTS of it! Have a water bottle and carry it with you all day so you can continuously hydrate yourself. Added benefit of water is that there are no empty calories, yet it can still make you feel full and curb unnecessary eating between meals.
Day 43
Max Cardio Conditioning
47 minutes
W: 500 calories (plus floor section of Insane Abs, 202 calories - not on schedule)
Feeling good today, and actually felt motivated and ready to work out even at 9pm. Maybe it had something to do with the chocolate covered espresso beans I had earlier...
At any rate, felt like I did well on the workout tonight. Took some breaks but then hopped right back in. I felt myself giving out cardiovascularly before I felt my muscles giving out. In other words, I think my muscles could have kept going for more reps, but my heart rate and heavy breathing indicated I needed to rest a bit. Could be part of the reason I felt motivated to add Insane Abs to tonight's workout, even though I'm not scheduled to do this workout until 4 days later. Just felt like my I could do more, but didn't necessarily want any more heavy cardio, so I skipped the beginning of the workout (save that for 4 days later!).
I'm trying to also get back on track with my nutrition. I've been snacking more at night, and even though I usually choose healthy snacks like carrots or worst case scenario some light popcorn, it's becoming a pattern that I need to nip in the bud. So if I feel a craving to eat at night, instead I'm drinking water or making myself some decaf tea as my treat instead of food. Really need to refocus to get through the next 3 weeks.
Day 44
Max Interval Circuit
60 minutes
W: 635 calories
I did NOT want to work out today. Put it off even though I could have done it earlier in the day. Before I knew it, it was 10pm and I still hadn't pushed play. But, I am motivated and determined not to let myself give excuses. So, I worked out at 10pm, and didn't regret it for a minute. It felt so much better to work out, than to give in and skip a day just because I didn't feel like it. Once you start down that road, I've learned the hard way, it's very hard to get back on track. So push through and get it done!
Day 45
Max Interval Plyo
60 minutes
W: 513 calories
Day off from school for the kids, so I did my workout in the morning while they were playing. However, as soon as I started up, my kids came running into the room, "Are you doing your workout? I want to workout!" Okay! My kids then proceeded to do the entire warm-up with me. Of course, their form was terrible, and it was making me laugh so hard watching them (my daughter's idea of 123-123 was basically sashay to each side and kick, and I'm not even going to try to describe what Hit The Floor looked like!). First Water Break comes up and my youngest suddenly shouts out, "Ooh! I need my water!" and runs to grab her water bottle, which she then proceeds to line up on the couch next to mine. Then she sees me wipe off my sweat with a small towel. She grabs the towel and wipes herself off too. Quite possibly the cutest thing ever.
What was even more amazing was that, while one kid quit after the warm-ups, my youngest stuck with me and did THE ENTIRE WORKOUT with me! That's right, a little girl did 60 minutes of Insanity next to her mama! And she was really trying! I could see her watch the move, and try to do it, then look up to see if she was doing it correctly (the answer was almost always no, but she did a surprisingly good job for someone not even 4 years old). Her S-S Hops may have even been better than mine :)
So many lessons to learn from today.
1) A workout buddy doesn't just bring motivation and accountability, it brings a higher level of happiness to share the experience with a friend. My workout buddy today also brought laughter and left me beaming with pride, but she's pretty special that way.
2) Never underestimate the effect that your lifestyle has on your family. I have always tried to make healthy choices, but since April these choices have had a bigger effect on my family and have trickled down into the kinds of food we keep in the house for ALL of us, and how we use our time to include fitness every day. The effect has been astounding. For example, my oldest daughter wrote on her homework that when she grew up "she wanted to eat good food and be healthy." So they listen. They hear what you say, but they also "hear" what you do. I talk about the healthy choices I make, how I'll choose fruit over crackers for a snack. My daughter understands that different kinds of bread or rice are healthier, and once she knows that, she will choose the healthier version. Seriously, what better motivation can there be than to instill in your children a desire to live a healthy life?
3) If a 4-year-old can do it, so can you!
Day 46
Max Recovery
48 minutes
W: 303 calories
Glad for the recovery video tonight. It's been a roller coaster of a week, with both my kids coming down with Strep throat and a death in the family. I'm not feeling too great myself, but hoping I can dodge the strep bullet, despite the fact that I unwittingly shared a popsicle with my daughter the day before she was sick. At any rate, I'm not about to let the possibility of getting sick stop me from working out. Plus it keeps me focused on positive thoughts, which is a good thing.
Day 47
Max Cardio Conditioning
48 minutes
W: 495 calories
Insane Abs
W: 268 calories
Usually I do Insane Abs right after my cardio workout, but I'm feeling under the weather today, and so I split it up and did Cardio Conditioning before dinner, then Insane Abs after the kids were in bed. Sick, I didn't really feel like working out, but I knew that I would feel better emotionally and probably physically too if I just did it. I was right. I still feel sick, but I'm sure my body is much better off for doing something active today than just lying around and taking a nap. (note: this is not always advisable. If you're really sick or have a fever, your body needs rest. If in doubt, check out this article on WebMD on When Not to Exercise). I also feel happier after my workout, which is a very good thing. And It's not just the kind of happy you get because you know you did the right thing. I honestly felt my depression slipping away after pressing play. All those endorphins are doing me good tonight!
Another thing that made me happy tonight is that I had my favorite workout buddy. My daughter joined me again in my cardio workout. She didn't last the whole workout (ran off to play a little more than halfway through), but came back for the end. I admire her persistence - she was really sweating! I also love her take on push-ups. "Are we just pushing the floor?...Ugh! The floor's not working!" I would personally love to blame the floor when I can't do any more push-ups. Ah, to be 3.
Day 48
Max Interval Sports Training
55 minutes
W: 577 calories
On the schedule is Core Cardio and Balance, or if you have the Deluxe version and want to swap it out for something a little more intense, you can do Max Interval Sports Training. This is a really fun workout! Shaun T takes you through exercises you might encounter when training for various sports, like boxing, basketball, football, and track & field. Many of the moves are not found on any other video, which makes it a fun addition to the weekly schedule. My kids had a blast doing the Long Jumps with me at the end, each of us trying to see who could get the furthest. I highly recommend this video in place of Core Cardio if you have it.
Day 49
Nutrition Tip
Remember to focus on your nutrition. Keep track of your calories, and try to eat 5 small meals a day (all around the same calories content) to keep your metabolism steadily burning all day. Also remember that eating better includes what you drink, so avoid the empty calories in juice, soda, and alcohol. Even diet soda will spike your blood sugar, since your body cannot differentiate between regular and artificial sweeteners. Alcohol not only affects blood sugar and sleep patterns, but can alter hormone levels, leading to a decrease in fat loss. Even juice is better replaced with whole fruit for more fiber and vitamins. Stick to water, and drink LOTS of it! Have a water bottle and carry it with you all day so you can continuously hydrate yourself. Added benefit of water is that there are no empty calories, yet it can still make you feel full and curb unnecessary eating between meals.
Day 43
Max Cardio Conditioning
47 minutes
W: 500 calories (plus floor section of Insane Abs, 202 calories - not on schedule)
Feeling good today, and actually felt motivated and ready to work out even at 9pm. Maybe it had something to do with the chocolate covered espresso beans I had earlier...
At any rate, felt like I did well on the workout tonight. Took some breaks but then hopped right back in. I felt myself giving out cardiovascularly before I felt my muscles giving out. In other words, I think my muscles could have kept going for more reps, but my heart rate and heavy breathing indicated I needed to rest a bit. Could be part of the reason I felt motivated to add Insane Abs to tonight's workout, even though I'm not scheduled to do this workout until 4 days later. Just felt like my I could do more, but didn't necessarily want any more heavy cardio, so I skipped the beginning of the workout (save that for 4 days later!).
I'm trying to also get back on track with my nutrition. I've been snacking more at night, and even though I usually choose healthy snacks like carrots or worst case scenario some light popcorn, it's becoming a pattern that I need to nip in the bud. So if I feel a craving to eat at night, instead I'm drinking water or making myself some decaf tea as my treat instead of food. Really need to refocus to get through the next 3 weeks.
Day 44
Max Interval Circuit
60 minutes
W: 635 calories
I did NOT want to work out today. Put it off even though I could have done it earlier in the day. Before I knew it, it was 10pm and I still hadn't pushed play. But, I am motivated and determined not to let myself give excuses. So, I worked out at 10pm, and didn't regret it for a minute. It felt so much better to work out, than to give in and skip a day just because I didn't feel like it. Once you start down that road, I've learned the hard way, it's very hard to get back on track. So push through and get it done!
Day 45
Max Interval Plyo
60 minutes
W: 513 calories
Day off from school for the kids, so I did my workout in the morning while they were playing. However, as soon as I started up, my kids came running into the room, "Are you doing your workout? I want to workout!" Okay! My kids then proceeded to do the entire warm-up with me. Of course, their form was terrible, and it was making me laugh so hard watching them (my daughter's idea of 123-123 was basically sashay to each side and kick, and I'm not even going to try to describe what Hit The Floor looked like!). First Water Break comes up and my youngest suddenly shouts out, "Ooh! I need my water!" and runs to grab her water bottle, which she then proceeds to line up on the couch next to mine. Then she sees me wipe off my sweat with a small towel. She grabs the towel and wipes herself off too. Quite possibly the cutest thing ever.
What was even more amazing was that, while one kid quit after the warm-ups, my youngest stuck with me and did THE ENTIRE WORKOUT with me! That's right, a little girl did 60 minutes of Insanity next to her mama! And she was really trying! I could see her watch the move, and try to do it, then look up to see if she was doing it correctly (the answer was almost always no, but she did a surprisingly good job for someone not even 4 years old). Her S-S Hops may have even been better than mine :)
So many lessons to learn from today.
1) A workout buddy doesn't just bring motivation and accountability, it brings a higher level of happiness to share the experience with a friend. My workout buddy today also brought laughter and left me beaming with pride, but she's pretty special that way.
2) Never underestimate the effect that your lifestyle has on your family. I have always tried to make healthy choices, but since April these choices have had a bigger effect on my family and have trickled down into the kinds of food we keep in the house for ALL of us, and how we use our time to include fitness every day. The effect has been astounding. For example, my oldest daughter wrote on her homework that when she grew up "she wanted to eat good food and be healthy." So they listen. They hear what you say, but they also "hear" what you do. I talk about the healthy choices I make, how I'll choose fruit over crackers for a snack. My daughter understands that different kinds of bread or rice are healthier, and once she knows that, she will choose the healthier version. Seriously, what better motivation can there be than to instill in your children a desire to live a healthy life?
3) If a 4-year-old can do it, so can you!
Day 46
Max Recovery
48 minutes
W: 303 calories
Glad for the recovery video tonight. It's been a roller coaster of a week, with both my kids coming down with Strep throat and a death in the family. I'm not feeling too great myself, but hoping I can dodge the strep bullet, despite the fact that I unwittingly shared a popsicle with my daughter the day before she was sick. At any rate, I'm not about to let the possibility of getting sick stop me from working out. Plus it keeps me focused on positive thoughts, which is a good thing.
Day 47
Max Cardio Conditioning
48 minutes
W: 495 calories
Insane Abs
W: 268 calories
Usually I do Insane Abs right after my cardio workout, but I'm feeling under the weather today, and so I split it up and did Cardio Conditioning before dinner, then Insane Abs after the kids were in bed. Sick, I didn't really feel like working out, but I knew that I would feel better emotionally and probably physically too if I just did it. I was right. I still feel sick, but I'm sure my body is much better off for doing something active today than just lying around and taking a nap. (note: this is not always advisable. If you're really sick or have a fever, your body needs rest. If in doubt, check out this article on WebMD on When Not to Exercise). I also feel happier after my workout, which is a very good thing. And It's not just the kind of happy you get because you know you did the right thing. I honestly felt my depression slipping away after pressing play. All those endorphins are doing me good tonight!
Another thing that made me happy tonight is that I had my favorite workout buddy. My daughter joined me again in my cardio workout. She didn't last the whole workout (ran off to play a little more than halfway through), but came back for the end. I admire her persistence - she was really sweating! I also love her take on push-ups. "Are we just pushing the floor?...Ugh! The floor's not working!" I would personally love to blame the floor when I can't do any more push-ups. Ah, to be 3.
Day 48
Max Interval Sports Training
55 minutes
W: 577 calories
On the schedule is Core Cardio and Balance, or if you have the Deluxe version and want to swap it out for something a little more intense, you can do Max Interval Sports Training. This is a really fun workout! Shaun T takes you through exercises you might encounter when training for various sports, like boxing, basketball, football, and track & field. Many of the moves are not found on any other video, which makes it a fun addition to the weekly schedule. My kids had a blast doing the Long Jumps with me at the end, each of us trying to see who could get the furthest. I highly recommend this video in place of Core Cardio if you have it.
Day 49
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